I only trader part time. This blog finally becoming reference forex for me, may even you. It also become field copy paste any met in website other people. Do not be shy do not shy can contact I to trade mind. Any even come we joint with what which good..
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

9 feb

Keputusan robot psar tidak seperti yg diharapkan. Banyak rugi dr untun. Ia lambat masuk post wpun signal sudah jelas. Robot ini masih run dlm pc belum stop lagi, Kalau tak berbaloi boleh stop dulu. TP20 TS 15. Kena cari setting yg terbaik nampaknya. atau cari saja robot yg lain.
Hari ini trade sikit saja. tak dpt pun 1us, huhuuuu